When social categorizations like race, class and gender interconnect, the overlap is called intersectionality. In workplace investigations, intersectionality creates a unique challenge, as it can be difficult to analyze each category separate and apart from the others. Often, these identities cannot be considered independently when assessing workplace dynamics.

Aisha Shelton Adam, the founder and managing partner of Adam Investigations Counsel, will co-present with Christina Ro-Connolly, Esq. and Audrena Redmond on intersectionality at the California Lawyers Association’s 26th Annual Labor and Employment Law Section’s Public Sector Conference. The one-hour presentation on April 22 is titled “Intersectionality: What is it and Why Does it Matter to Workplace Investigations?”

Ms. Adam and her fellow presenters will use hypothetical scenarios, as well as real case studies from their practices, to discuss the ways intersectionality impacts workplace investigation interviews, findings and client relationships.

Learn more about the presentation by clicking here.